Incident Report December

A client reported an attempted burglary at their home on Sol Mabude Street. A window was broken but they had not managed to enter the house or take anything.

A Panic signal and a call were received from a client. An armed robbery was reported at a clothing store in Qumbu, the suspects escaped with a large sum of money from the cash registers and some stock.

A Panic signal was received from a fuel station on Tutor Ndamase Drive. The perpetrators were refusing to pay for fuel, the situation was resolved by the Response team.

A supermarket on Madeira Street activated a Panic. The Response team was informed of an armed robbery that occurred at opening time. 4x Armed assailants escorted the manager to the cash office and cleared out the safe.

A Panic signal was received from a fast food outlet on Owen Street. There was an attempted robbery by 2x suspects who went for the cash registers but fled with nothing after staff shouted and made a scene.

The Response was dispatched after receiving a Panic signal from a General Dealer on Kalika Street. 4x Armed assailants demanded money from the cash registers and stole stock as well.

There was a burglary at a hardware store on Elliot Street. A safe was cut open and all the money was stolen.

An Alarm signal was received from a house on Terrence Lowry Drive. Break-in was confirmed but the client stated that the house was empty and vacant.

A Panic signal was received from a hardware store on Callaway Street. It was reported that 3x suspects stole goods from the back of a truck which was offloading. The suspects were not found.

Panic signals were received from a supermarket on King Edward Road. The Response team reported there had been an altercation in the parking lot between a Traffic Officer, in abuse of authority, and the guards and customers on the premises.

The Response was dispatched to a Dairy in Ikwezi. A burglary was reported, the intruders gained access through the roof and damaged the alarm. They could not open the safe and fled with nothing.

A Panic signal was received from a fabric store on Oxland Street. The Response reported an armed robbery had occurred. 4x Assailants demanded money from the cash registers including money and car keys from a client’s pocket.

A panic signal was received from a petrol station in Fort Gale. 2x Suspects attempted to steal cellphones but fled the scene with nothing.

Alarm signal was received from a cellular shop on Madeira Street. A burglary was confirmed, intruders forced their way through a door and burglar bars. An unknown value of cigarettes and airtime were stolen.

The police were informed and responded to a liquor store in Qumbu. A panic signal was triggered by a guard who reported that 5x intruders climbed over a wall and stole a case of beers.

The Response attended to a burglary at a hardware store in Slovo Park. Cameras were damaged and a large sum of money was stolen from the safe. The client’s guard had deserted the premises, not present at the time of the incident.

A client called to report a burglary from a brickyard in Sibangweni. A Jojo tank was stolen from the premises.

A Panic signal was received from a fast food outlet on Errol Spring Drive. 2x Armed assailants stole a large sum of money. Staff confirmed they could only trigger the alarm once the criminals had left.

A call was received from a liquor store in Qunu reporting a robbery in progress. The police were contacted and confirmed they were aware and currently responding to the scene. A number of armed suspects attempted to rob a cash-in-transit vehicle, the police managed to prevent the theft.

A Panic signal was received from a fast food outlet on Chatam Street. An armed robbery was reported, 8x assailants gained access through a backdoor when an employee opened it. An unknown amount was taken from the cash registers including a cellphone.

A call was received from a funeral parlour on King Edward Road. A robbery in progress was reported, upon arrival, the Response was informed that they managed to take a machine. Police failed to respond to the scene.

The Response, in the area, was informed by a guard of a burglary at a furniture store on Elliot Street. Suspects were seen driving a loaded truck away from the premises, confirmed stolen items included TVs, cellphones, and laptops. The security company monitoring the store reported no alarm signals were received.

A Panic signal was received from an entertainment venue on Elliot Street. The Response arrived and requested back-up, the police were contacted as well. 3x Armed suspects robbed the venue of a large sum of money. 1x suspect was captured by the Response and arrested.

An alarm signal was received from a liquor store in Tsolo. The client and the police were informed. The Response and reported that there was a hole in the fence but discovered no evidence of forced entry into the store. The client confirmed nothing was stolen.

The client reported a burglary that occurred at a steelwork in Vulindlela. The on-site guard had seen 3x intruders jump over the wall and onto the roof. Money was stolen from a safe. The alarm was not triggered as the premises had no electricity for over a week.

An attempted burglary was reported at a clothing store in Butterworth. Intruders tried to gain access through the roof but failed to get inside.

Reports from a security company, of an armed robbery at a clothing store on York Road were received. The Response, who was nearby, confirmed with staff that a robbery occurred before he arrived. 3x Assailants stole money from the cash registers.

Reports from a security company, of a burglary at a clothing store on Bridge Street, were received. It was reported that intruders had forced their way through the front and roller doors. They stole clothes and cellphones including a sum of money from the safe.

A Panic signal was received from a supermarket on King Edward Road. The Response reported a large altercation between a group of customers and petrol attendants, they managed to diffuse the situation and disperse the crowd.

Reports from a security company, of a burglary at a clothing store on Bridge Street, were received. Intruders gained access through the roof, damaged the alarm, they, however, failed to take anything of value.

After receiving an alarm signal from a liquor store in Qumbu it was reported their guard could not be contacted. The police responded and confirmed that cases of beer had been stolen.

Reports from a security company, of an armed robbery at a supermarket on Bridge Street, were received. 8x Armed assailants held-up a cash-in-transit van, taking money and firearms from guards. The police were already on scene.

The police reported a burglary that occurred at a general store on Sprigg Street. A nearby guard reported the crime taking place, which resulted in 5x suspects being arrested and placed into custody.

Reports from a security company, of a burglary at a clothing store on York Road, were received. There was forced entry through the back, a large amount of stock and money was stolen. 4x suspects were fortunately apprehended in Ngangelizwe and the goods and money were recovered.

Multiple alarm signals were received from a general store in Ross Mission. The client was contacted and reported that the shop had been set alight. The police and firefighters were informed. No one was injured, and the culprit/s were not found.

A client reported a burglary occurred at a funeral parlour on Frere Road. Forced entry was confirmed but as no one was present to open for the Response they were unable to determine what was stolen.

A Panic signal was received from a general store on Bridge Street. It was confirmed that an armed robbery by 3x suspects had occurred. They demanded money from the cash registers before fleeing.

A Panic signal was received from a fuel station in Norwood. The Response confirmed an armed robbery had occurred. 3x Suspects took money from the cash registers then fled in a presumably stolen white VW Polo.

A Panic signal was received from a fast food outlet in Qumbu. An armed robbery was confirmed, the 3x suspects demanded money from the cash registers before fleeing in a white VW Polo.

The guard for a bakery in Vulindlela arrived to report an armed robbery in progress. The Response was dispatched and exchanged gunfire with the assailants. At least 6x suspects were involved, they gained access to the safe but did not manage to take all the money before escaping.

A Panic signal was received from a supermarket on Sprigg Street. It was reported that 3x armed suspects entered the store and demanded money from the cash registers before fleeing.

Alarm signals were received from a liquor store in Qumbu. The clients were contacted and eventually, their guard reported intruders on the premises. The Response and police reported they had forced their way through a gate and drove through a wall, taking the entire safe.

Signals were received from a house on Boundary Road. The Response was dispatched and confirmed that a sliding door had been broken, the client was not present and it could not be determined what had been taken. A Protek guard was posted.


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