Incident Report January

An alarm was received alerting to a burglary at a house on Sisson Street. Doors were forced open, however, clients confirmed nothing was taken.

Panic signals were received from a bottle store in Viedgesville. An armed robbery was confirmed, where 2x suspects used a Cash-in-transit uniform to gain access to the cash office. A sum of cash was stolen.

An armed robbery was confirmed at a clothing store in Flagstaff. 3x Suspects stole a large sum of cash from the tills.

Reports of an armed robbery, at a clothing store, were received from a security company. 4x Suspects had demanded money from the tills. The Response and Police engaged in an unsuccessful pursuit of the suspects.

A panic signal was received from a store on Victoria Street. 2x Suspects threatened staff with a knife and fled with R200.

Alarm signals were received from a waste company on Cement Road. The guard had been assaulted by suspects, it was confirmed that the premises were fine with no signs of entry.

A panic signal was received from a clothing store in Qumbu. An armed robbery was confirmed, 5x suspects entered the store and took an unknown amount of money from the tills.

An attempted robbery was confirmed at a supermarket on Sutherland Street. 3x Suspects forced the guard into the store, fortunately, the cashiers pressed a panic button causing the thieves to flee with nothing.

An attempted burglary occurred at a liquor store in Qumbu. Suspects tried to steal cases of beer but fled with nothing when the guard triggered the panic alarm.

A burglary was confirmed at a butchery in Tsolo. The alarm had been damaged and failed to trigger. Suspects entered through the roof and broke into the safe.

A school in Tabase was burgled. The alarm system had been damaged and intruders forced their way in and stole a lot of equipment such as laptops, cameras.

An attempted robbery was reported from a hardware store on York Road. Suspects took gates from the yard but left them across the road, the goods were recovered.

An alarm signal was received from a school in Waterfall. A hole was found in the fence and a window was broken, fortunately, it was confirmed that nothing had been taken.

A panic signal was received from a liquor store on Zanemali Road. The Response reported a customer’s liquor was stolen while paying. The matter was unresolved as the liquor and culprit were not found.

A panic signal was received from a wholesaler on Sutherland Street. An armed robbery was reported, 1x suspect demanded money from the tills before fleeing.

A panic signal was received from a supermarket on Sutherland Street. Upon arrival, an armed robbery was reported to have occurred at the store's other premises next-door. 5x armed suspects made off with money from the tills. A shot was fired by the suspects, fortunately, no-one was harmed.

A panic signal was received from a fuel station on Nelson Mandela Drive. An armed robbery was confirmed, 2x armed suspects stole money from the tills before fleeing.

An alarm signal was received from a store on Victoria Street. A burglary and forced entry were confirmed, R500 was stolen from the tills. A guard was posted for the night.

A client, from a food outlet on Nelson Mandela Drive, reported an attempted armed robbery of a cash-in-transit van. 3x Armed suspects assaulted and tried to force the guards to open a safe, one fired shots at the thieves who fled with nothing.

A panic signal was received from a clothing store in Qumbu. 3x armed suspects entered the store and held-up staff, they stole money from the tills and the guard’s cellphone.

The guard, at a school in Mpeko, called to report a burglary. Thieves forced their way through locks and doors. At least 1x computer was confirmed stolen.

A client reported a burglary at a co-op on Madeira Street. A suspect, by lifting the roller door, had broken into and hid inside the premises, the client and the Response failed to find the suspect inside who then broke out the same way, taking nothing.

A client reported a burglary at their home on Attwel Madala Street. 1x Suspect was caught by the client, who was handed over to the Response and then the Police.

A panic signal was received from a petrol station in Norwood. A shoplifter was caught and handed over to Police.

An alarm signal was received from offices on Cumberland Street. Upon arrival, the Response discovered a fire which had been started by an intruder. The Fire department was contacted and eradicated the fire.

A panic signal was received from a clothing store on York Road. An armed robbery was confirmed, 4x suspects entered the store and demanded money from the tills before fleeing.

A security company reported an armed robbery at a supermarket on Elliot Road. The Response confirmed 2x suspects had stolen the money from the tills and fled the scene.

A client reported a burglary which had taken place at a school in Mpeko. The alarm was damaged, and the client did not disclose what had been taken.

A panic signal was received from a petrol station in Myezo. A petrol attendant was robbed of his cellphone by 5x suspects who then fled the scene.

A panic signal was received from a school in Northcrest. The Response confirmed an attempted burglary, the guard spotted 5x suspects breaking into a computer room and triggered the alarm which caused the suspects to flee with nothing.

A security company reported a break-in at a supermarket on Circus Triangle. A large burglary was confirmed; the intruders had gained access to the loading bay. Later that day reports were received that a suspect had been hiding in the ceiling and fell through, the suspect was apprehended and handed over to the Police.

A panic alarm was triggered by a guard at a brickyard in Sibangweni. 5x Suspects attempted burglary of the site. The suspects fled the scene when the Response arrived, they were pursued but escaped.

A guard on the premises of a school in Corana reported a burglary. The Response confirmed the break-in and theft of devices. The alarm was badly damaged by the suspects and failed to trigger, they were seen fleeing in a Mercedes Benz.

An alarm signal was received from a school in Libode. The Police were informed and confirmed a break-in. The client reported that nothing was taken, the intruders had fled before managing to gain access to an office.

A client reported a burglary at a school in Viedgesville. The alarm was badly damaged and failed to trigger. A number of computers were stolen.

Armed Robberies of shops are still occurring often, criminals are managing to rob the clients and the tills in a matter of minutes before fleeing.

Schools in remote areas are also being specifically targeted by criminals for laptops and devices.


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